Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sugar Part 2

Okay, now that I am healthy again or not sick. I am beginning my sugar fast...again. In taking pride and ownership over my physical health, I improve my children's as well. I am focusing in on three main areas, diet, exercise and mental.

 Diet- my primary focus at this point is eliminating sugars. No juice,sweets,candy,sugar in tea, or any thing that classifies as junk food. I am also eliminating my coffee for the time being. In turn I will drink green tea or other herbal teas, water, and milk. I plan on tracking my food intake in a journal, by doing so I am able to evaluate my daily intake of fruits,veggies, proteins and grains. Using myplate.gov I am able to identify servings and what I easily.  

Exercise- Basically, the more I work out the more driven I am to eat healthier. Plus, I will be healthier heart wise. So many benefits.

 Mental- I plan on writing in my journal daily or having personal quiet time. Eating healthier and working out in turn improve my mental status. By first taking care of myself, I can then take better care of my kids. I model better lifestyle habits, am a happier person, and emanate what a good body image is.

 By eating healthier and eliminating junk, my grocery bill improves. For many people eating unhealthy leads to more intense cravings as the body is trying to tell you it's missing key nutrients, or we experience a sugar crash. Both most often lead to a continued and or increased consumption of high sugar, high carb foods. That while they may fill us they are not providing the daily nutrients we need.

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