Thursday, April 12, 2012


It is time for me to confess, I am a junk food addict. I can't help it, I love chocolate, candy, anything really. I have a serious problem with moderation, it is by the grace of God alone that I have stayed thin. I seriously can and have on many occasions, eaten an entire bag of candy by myself.
Most of the time I try really hard to eat healthy, but since the baby has been born, I haven't been doing so well. My sleep deprived self just craves the sugar. I have always known I am an all or nothing kind of person soo...

Starting this moment, I am swearing off candy,chocolate and sweets. I am posting this so that there is a level of accountability. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. I can absolutely relate to the lack of moderation. That's one of the many reasons I'm vegan - it seems that I'm downright incapable of *mostly* avoiding anything, so I have to make hard and fast rules for myself. Sad but true! Even with that, I still manage to find total crap to overindulge in sometimes.

    Having a newborn, especially a nursing newborn, makes it tough to avoid convenient and delicious calories, but I'm sure you can do it! I'm rooting for you!
