Saturday, April 14, 2012


Here is a little history; I am a stay at home mom, my kids have never been in childcare. This year is my eldest 1st year of school. He has been sick for a week, he has been kept home for the past week, running a fever everyday up to 104 one day. He has had a cough, runny nose, dr said double ear infections and put him on antibiotics. Now, mom is sick, bummer.

This is the response I KEEP getting, "Well, it's because he hasn't really been around other children, don't worry he'll build his immune system up." This irritates me to no end. I feel this is implying my children are never socialized or exposed to anything or anyone, that they are lacking physically because of it. NOT TRUE, my kids have always been around other kids, other people regularly. We have and do play at many restaurant play areas, parks, the gym, play dates, library, store etc... They have had colds, and been around plenty of sick kids.

HOWEVER, having my kids with me allowed me to yes, keep them from children who were puking, diarrhea, bronchitis, pink eye, 5ths disease. I also enforced hand washing and proper Kleenex use. When my kids got sick, I monitored the situation and let them be sick. Lots of liquids, cuddles, pop cycles, and cuddles.

NOW, I'm being told protecting my kids from being sick is crippling them? That sometimes you just have to send kids to school sick. If I keep him home sick, the school wants to know what the dr says, as if letting the cold run it's course isn't good enough. That if I keep him home it better be bad?

I feel people are justifying their own choices, by knocking mine. Don't they understand, this is one of the many reasons I stay home? So, I don't have to force a young 5 year old child who has been up all night, with a fever, crying because he doesn't feel good, into a classroom.

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