Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. For the past week we have ALL been sick. Starting with C.J. who had an ear infection, followed by mom with a sinus and ear infection, then little sis with an ear infection.

My house has been one big whiney, snotty, cranky place. My son stayed home from school for a week. So now we are finally edging back into our routine.

My 3 year old has taken to telling stories, we are really working on whats true and whats not. If I tell her to wait a moment for me to finish nursing to get her a snack, she exclaims, "You NEVER feed me." Which is not true. She has also begun expressing desire for me "Don't feed Alex." or to "Put Alex down." I think her being sick has made it really hard to share mama. She has also begun to write several letters, capital "T" being her favorite. She enjoys doing this on her dry erase side of her easel. She is also copying me to no end, daily our baby stuff goes missing, because her baby's spit up, need new clothes, need diaper change etc... I try hard to be patient. I am very impressed with her drawings of people that include a head,arms,legs,eyes,nose,mouth,ears and then eyebrows, big giant bushy eyebrows, she has begun adding hair as well.
Alex, is changing so fast. He likes to tighten his stomach muscles and pull himself into a sitting position while in my lap. he is smiling and giggling. he has begun to recognize daddy. he gets excited and squeals whenever daddy arrives home. He loves to try and grab things. he has found his thumb and sucks on it, using the other arm to old it in his mouth. I think teething is right around the corner, he is drool city. My chunker is 3 1/2 months old and almost 14 1/2 pounds.
C.J. is glad to not be sick anymore, but ready for school to be done for the summer. He has such a personality. The other day he came into the living room all dressed up in a hoodie and baseball cap, singing "I'm sexy and I know it" from the M&M commercial. He also has this too cool head bob thing going on. The things kids do and say.

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