Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Family Style Dinning.

(First, please excuse my kitchen, we decided to paint so that is why everything looks so empty and bare.)

After I began allowing my kids to self pour their drinks and drink only out of actual cups that stay in the kitchen by the way. Both began to show more interest in meals. So I began letting them self serve and letting C.J. set the table.

We start off with C.J. giving each place a plate, napkin and fork. Then he makes sure each spot has a cup and that their little pitcher is on the table. Next, I place all our food into bowls or on plates that are not hot and set them on the table each with a tong or spoon in it. After we ash hands we set down and the kids pour their drinks and we begin passing food around and they serve themselves. Jasey does make a mess. She also spills while pouring, whatever. She does however drink out of a cup by herself without spilling and she is one.

The rule is they have to have some of everything and at least take a bit of everything. C.J. has been eating way better, he really enjoys being involved. Eating this way encourages manners and communication. They both also put their plates and fork in the sink and help clean up their mess. I noticed how when everyone is involved in readying the meal, serving and cleaning up the meal. It actually runs smoother. I'm not worried what they are doing as I'm fixing or cleaning up the meal, I know, because they are right their.

Another thing I have noticed just from sitting together and eating is that C.J. copies us and Jasey in turn copies him. They are using their utensils more and correctly. I see Jasey developing way more motor skills as she watches him spoon, pour, wipe, drink, stab and attempt to mimic. I am seriously excited how well this is going.

1 comment:

  1. This is so wonderful! Few parents are willing to deal with the extra mess that comes along with allowing a one year old such independence - you're such a fabulous mama! Love the pitcher and glasses, too :)
