Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Terrible Twos!!!

Why? I might ask myself, Karma my mother replies. I was cursed and oddly blessed the day she ranted, "One day you'll have a child just like you."

Now, I have an almost two year old. Her face is losing some of her baby-ness. She is talking more and more. Daily she is learning new things, exploring more, I see her personality changing and developing before my eyes.

When I find my newly wrapped presents, unwrapped...
I tell myself she is just curious.
When I find this the second time, I reassure myself, she doesn't remember Christmas and is learning.
The third time today, I calmly counted to ten.

When My darling angel covered her face and hair with face wash. I washed her up proud that she wanted to be like me.
When I had to unclog the toilet, she was no longer allowed in the bathroom.

When She came running to me saying "pee mama pee" I knew I had a genius. Until she turned around to lead me to her potty and I saw poop on her butt and found little droppings down the hall to her diaper.

I marveled at her mind when she carried a chair to the kitchen to reach the counter. As I turned to get my camera, I was stunned to turn back around, and see she was smashing my freshly baked cookies.

She signed she was all done with lunch, I knew I had raised her well, all her carrots were gone. Then I lifted her out of her seat and they fell out of her shirt.

When she says no I respond calmly. I know how to do this.
When she refused her nap, I held firm. Consistency, really does work.

When she was asleep, looking like an angel I thanked God for this precious gift. So peaceful and innocent.

When she awoke and hit her brother, threw her snack, declared me a "mean mama" I still know I can do this. All days will not be like this. She is learning.

But, oh how a bottle of wine sounds real good right about now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Jess! One day, hopefully sooner rather than later, you'll re-read this and laugh hysterically. :) She is like her Momma! May God bless you with an over-abundance of patience with this little one.
