Friday, November 5, 2010

Potty training

Sorry no cute pic this time. It has been a week. Chris has been working some crazy hours (snif) I miss him when he's gone. I swear my kids act totally different if Chris is not here, and if he works late and our bed time routine differs, they can tell and get really hyper it seems like.

So this week Jasey has been taking her diaper off non-stop and wiping herself with wipies,toilet paper, tissues. Really annoying and messy. I also noticed some irritation and took her to the Dr.'s she had a yeast infection, very common in little girls. He asked if we had been doing bubble baths and just two weeks ago I bought a different kind of bubble bath that was on sale. Soooooo, no more bubble baths at the moment.

However, she is still taking her diaper off. I tried telling her no, taping it on with scotch tape and nothing is working. So we are beginning to potty train. I felt that I pushed it too young with CJ and didn't want to make the same mistake. She seems ready. She will tell me immediately if she pees, she has her pink potty that she loves, she can put on underwear by herself, pull her pants down by herself and climb on and off the big toilet by herself. She also seems interested.

I'm not pushing it, she wears big girl underwear during the day in longer increments. We set a timer and go sit and 'try' every 30-45 minutes. i take her right when she wakes up and right before she lays down. When she has success we praise her and she gets a piece of candy.

Today is day two and no success today, but yesterday she said pee and then we went and sat and she did it!!!!! I guess it's just one day at a time.

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