Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This year we have chosen to do some activities at home to enhance the Thanksgiving season. When I think of Thanksgiving I want my kids to know about the 1st Thanksgiving, Why the Pilgrims came to America, To know about the Indians, To learn to be thankful etc...

I found some awesome pilgrim, Indian and a ship printables online. I wrote a short sentence on the bottom of each picture and had the kids color them. When they were done we read the pages as if they were a book. We went over three main learning points; 1) The pilgrims came to America from Europe on a ship, 2) They came for Freedom including religious freedom and 3) The Indians, who already lived here, helped the pilgrims find food.

Another day, we read scripture about giving thanks. I wrote them on paper and the kids colored them while I read the versus and then we drew pictures of what we are thankful for. We chose Psalm 105:1 and Psalm 106:1.

We have also chosen to teach our children about cheerful giving. We let them help us pick out healthy food for a food drive at C.J.'s school. We talked about things we might need someone to give us if WE didn't have any money. It was a new concept to C.J. that there are people in this world that don't have enough, or children that don't have parents. Jasey I'm not sure got it, but hopefully next year she will understand more. I want my children to grow into adults who are able to show compassion, empathy and giving.

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