Wednesday, December 29, 2010


As this year comes to a close and all my friends are posting about reflecting and what the new year brings, I sit back and think about all that has changed this year. Every year I have one goal, This year it was to be happier and healthier. I feel I achieved this in so many ways. I don't feel I have ever had one year that has held so much personal growth.

To reflect on some of the many things that highlighted this past year. I see so much growth in my kids.

C.J. has totally developed a more grown up personality. He tried basketball this year for the first time, his motor skills and social skills are way more defined. He started preschool and I really noticed his responsibility level grow, as his ability to adapt to new situations. His speech has really improved. he can now zip up his jackets and buckle his seat belt. i could go on and on.

Jasey is almost two, she has way more hair and is talking up a storm. her personality is also changing and developing every day. Her likes and dislikes are more pronounced. Her fine motor skills are developing and she has taken a love to coloring. You can see her test her free will, the closer she gets to two. I can see a huge difference in her problem solving skills.

I wonder what this next year will hold for us. I know I will spend probably every year trying to make it more meaningful then the last. Trying to be a better person, parent and wife.

Christmas Day!

Real Life Santa!

On Christmas eve, we were sitting in the living room. When what should we hear, but sleigh bells. They got closer and closer. Suddenly we heard a Ho Hoing... C.J. ran to the door and threw it open, what to our wondering eyes should appear? Santa! He came by early to say hello, to give the kids a gift and warn them to fall asleep fast so he could come back with more presents!

Christmas with us!

EXPLANATION: Many of our pictures show a blue blanket hanging in the background. It is be cause that entry way leads to the playroom. Which we were redoing and in the middle of redoing it I trashed all the curtains to three very big windows. Before I could buy new curtains, our dogs tore up the kitchen floor and we needed to redo that first, however, I didn't want every one to be able to look into my house. Thus, the blanket.

Mommy opening her present.

daddy opening his beloved Zombie DVD!

C.J. gave daddy the present he picked out all by himself at preschool.

Jasey looking fabulous in her minnie mouse robe

Mommy and Jasey in front of tree.

C.J. digging his new sweat suit from his Great Aunt and Uncle

This season Jasey's hair was finally braid-able!!


We are very fortunate to have a ton of family that lives near by. Every holiday season we have several get-togethers. every year it's amazing to see how my children have grown from the year before. I love watching them play with their cousins. I am very proud to say, they did a great job, saying thank-you and sharing their new toys. I have 532 pictures that I just upload to the computer from Christmas! I have even more things to talk about. I almost don't know where to start.

First we started with an extended family get-together. It is always done about a week prior to Christmas. All of my mom's brothers and sisters and their kids get together. My mom is the oldest of five, and I am the oldest of the first cousins. So the cousins that my kids play with that are their age are really their 2nd cousins. They are able to know their great-grandparents and all their great aunts and uncles. While I have a ton of pictures, I'm hesitant to post any until I get permission from the people in the photos.


Every year we take the kids to get pictures with Santa. Last year Jasey cried and screamed, this year she did so much better. Still no smile, but at least she wasn't screaming.

We take them to a local bank where you get a picture with Santa in return for bringing in non-perishable foods for a local food pantry.

Here are the adorable pictures, which are pictures of pictures.

Christmas Party and Program!

This year C.J. had a cute little Christmas party at preschool. They started off with several songs that the kids sang for their parents. There is something so heart moving about watching your baby stand in front of people and sing. C.J. sang loudly and off cue, I can probably say he is tone deaf. Yet, those songs were the most beautiful songs I've heard. After the kids were done singing we had treats and then they participated in a book exchange. Where each child had brought a wrapped book and then they all sat in a circle. The books were passed around as music was played when the music stopped the child who had the books took the top one and so forth until every child had a book.

I truly love these times when I get to meet my son's friends and meet their parents.

Their snack tables were set up all festive.

They even had a fire place in their play house area.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

From our house to yours. May God's love and blessings be with you all. Today holds the promises of many more to come. As we look outside at the beautiful blue sky and I take I take a deep breath of sharp cold air. I'm thankful to be alive. I'm thankful for my family and for God's love and forgiveness.

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It's part of childhood, it happens every year. Oh, how I dread it. The flu season. I am a picky mom when it comes to my kids being clean and their faces snot free. I cringe when I see the first sick kid, you know the one. The one darling little person who coughs and doesn't cover it and then with a graceful swift movement wipes snot on the arm of his shirt. Then smiles and continues playing. I know being sick ultimately is developing their immune systems, but have you ever wondered how something so tiny can expel things so great?

The amount of puke, diarrhea and snot that can come out of such cute tiny little bodies is disturbing and slightly impressive. While, I know I can't prevent my kids from ever getting sick I can lower their chances. I make sure they exercise, eat well, drink lots of fluids, wash hands, get enough rest.

During the cold season I do more precautionary things, maybe even obsessively. I wash pillow cases, door knobs, light switches, toys, I spray sanitizer. These things make me feel productive, useful. Yet, they still get sick.

Two sick kids= one tired mommy.

Making things

We always love doing holiday orientated crafts. This year we made snowflake ornaments, and for the first time a gingerbread house. I cheated I bought the kit. I must say my kids had ten times more fun knocking the thing down and devouring the candy, then building. I wish I could have gotten that picture, but sadly my camera's batteries died.

The kit.

Step one

The finished product!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I do believe as I get older my life it gets busier. This year I believe will be one of the best Christmas's yet. My kids are at that age where they know what is going on. I love teaching them new things, and giving them new experiences.

I have stated before, that I want to teach my kids to love. Let me clarify, I want them to learn to genuinely love others. To love everyone, not just people they know. To love their world and community. I really do believe if everyone could live a life of love, we could abolish so many problems. I don't want my children to ever turn a blind eye to the suffering of another.

Plato says we should be kind "because everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" One kindness generates others, and from this virtuous contagion we all benefit in a way that helps us face up to our personal struggles.

Personally I know helping others makes me grateful for the life I have. It opens my eyes to what REAL suffering is. This year I have tried to make it a point to teach my children to give and care for others. I'm not going to go into them because this isn't about tallying your good deeds. However, I was made known of a very small charity that helps developmentally delayed people who are living their life in foster care ages 0-adult. These are people who have been forgotten, who through no fault of their own are pushed aside because they don't fit in societies "normal". Many won't get a single present. These are people who live here, in our town, in our community. Here is the information below.

Melissa English
Special Kids/Special Families
(719) 447-8983 Ext. 10

There are many other ways to help those around you, without going through an organization or spending a lot if any money. Friendship is one of the best gifts you can give and it doesn't cost a thing.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Baking bread

Above is a picture of my bread 'rising', yes I made home made bread. I mixed the ingredients, I kneaded it, with help from my little ones. It was a lot of work, but kinda fun, I really like trying new things.

My idea was to try and teach my kids thankfulness. I think I am the only one really thankful for store bought bread after this.

I learned a few things,

1) How thankful I am for store bought bread.
2) Homemade does taste much better.
3) It truly is a workout, great if you feel like punching someone.

My kids really enjoyed the kneading and punching part of baking bread.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Terrible Twos!!!

Why? I might ask myself, Karma my mother replies. I was cursed and oddly blessed the day she ranted, "One day you'll have a child just like you."

Now, I have an almost two year old. Her face is losing some of her baby-ness. She is talking more and more. Daily she is learning new things, exploring more, I see her personality changing and developing before my eyes.

When I find my newly wrapped presents, unwrapped...
I tell myself she is just curious.
When I find this the second time, I reassure myself, she doesn't remember Christmas and is learning.
The third time today, I calmly counted to ten.

When My darling angel covered her face and hair with face wash. I washed her up proud that she wanted to be like me.
When I had to unclog the toilet, she was no longer allowed in the bathroom.

When She came running to me saying "pee mama pee" I knew I had a genius. Until she turned around to lead me to her potty and I saw poop on her butt and found little droppings down the hall to her diaper.

I marveled at her mind when she carried a chair to the kitchen to reach the counter. As I turned to get my camera, I was stunned to turn back around, and see she was smashing my freshly baked cookies.

She signed she was all done with lunch, I knew I had raised her well, all her carrots were gone. Then I lifted her out of her seat and they fell out of her shirt.

When she says no I respond calmly. I know how to do this.
When she refused her nap, I held firm. Consistency, really does work.

When she was asleep, looking like an angel I thanked God for this precious gift. So peaceful and innocent.

When she awoke and hit her brother, threw her snack, declared me a "mean mama" I still know I can do this. All days will not be like this. She is learning.

But, oh how a bottle of wine sounds real good right about now.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Baking Cookies

Playing in the snow

Enjoying the fire

C.J.'s class Thanksgiving

C.J.'s class had a wonderful Thanksgiving feast. They performed two songs for the parents and then we all ate friendship stew together. The table were decorated with the childrens' artwork. Jasey and I went we had a wonderful time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tis the season...

I hear the parents talking about what they are buying, or how much they are spending. When did Christmas turn into a competition? Giving gifts isn't about who can buy the best one.

Giving your kids everything you never had, doesn't make you a better parent.

I feel disgusted at the shallowness suddenly surrounding me. The thanklessness, the attitudes, the greediness. I almost don't even want to do Christmas.

This is what I want my kids to LEARN:

1) No one owes you a gift, be thankful for everything.

2) Be thankful, because many kids don't get anything.

3) Be compassionate to the suffering of others and help out a person in need.

4) The best feeling is not receiving, but giving.

5) Life is more, than acquired objects.

6) Remember the true meaning of Christmas.

This is what I want my kids to REMEMBER:

1) Decorating the house as a family.

2) Watching Christmas shows together.

3) Baking cookies and listening to Christmas music.

4) Helping others.

5) Love, Family and Laughter.

6) Excitement of giving another person a gift.

We are doing so many things this year to enhance the Thanksgiving season, and I want to do the same for Christmas.

Mainly, I want to teach my children to love, Because love never fails.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dr. Phil show

I just watched the Dr. Phil show about mommy confessions. I was in tears. The way this mom was choosing to discipline her 7 yr old son was appalling. Holding hot sauce in your mouth, forced to take freezing cold showers, jumping jacks, wall sits. This is too much. I do understand that she was frustrated. It is hard when you feel like you are trying everything and your child just won't listen.

I have a "strong-willed" child. He pushes my buttons, he's not fazed by most discipline. Its hard not to feel like a failure when your trying and trying and nothing is working. First you need to realize not all children are the same, what worked for one may not work for the other. Second, it is so important to keep your cool. Thirdly, parents should educate themselves on child development so you are sure your expectations are realistic. Fourth, never hurt a child!!!!!! Fifth, after the time out or scolding there needs to be a come together time to cuddle and hug. To tell your child that you love them so much and are trying very hard to teach them what is right and wrong.

The biggest thing that helped me was someone pointing out that my son has FREE WILL, sometimes he just chooses to make bad choices, through no fault of my own. I try very very hard to not think of things as failures but as temporary set backs. I could never imagine hurting my child I feel horrible for just raising my voice. There are things we do to curb problems in our house.

1) Eliminate caffeine.
2) Make sure they are getting enough PROPER rest.
3) Make enough time for physical activities.
4) I recognize certain times are very trying for kids, so I try to plan things around them.
5) We talk about what is expected and lay down rules, before they are expected to follow them.
6) We have sticker charts to reward good behavior.
7) We let the kids have choices in there behavior, while firming stating the consequence. "If you are going to choose to hit, you won't be allowed to play with us."
8) We recognize desired behavior. "I like it when you share, it makes me want to play with you again."

I wish I could say I was a perfect parent, but I'm not. Every day I just wake up and try my best.

Most importantly, if you ever feel like your loosing your cool, ask for help. Call a friend to come over or drop your kids off with some one. Or just stop everything and sit on the floor, pull them into your lap and just rock and hug. Nothing is so important then your children being safe.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This year we have chosen to do some activities at home to enhance the Thanksgiving season. When I think of Thanksgiving I want my kids to know about the 1st Thanksgiving, Why the Pilgrims came to America, To know about the Indians, To learn to be thankful etc...

I found some awesome pilgrim, Indian and a ship printables online. I wrote a short sentence on the bottom of each picture and had the kids color them. When they were done we read the pages as if they were a book. We went over three main learning points; 1) The pilgrims came to America from Europe on a ship, 2) They came for Freedom including religious freedom and 3) The Indians, who already lived here, helped the pilgrims find food.

Another day, we read scripture about giving thanks. I wrote them on paper and the kids colored them while I read the versus and then we drew pictures of what we are thankful for. We chose Psalm 105:1 and Psalm 106:1.

We have also chosen to teach our children about cheerful giving. We let them help us pick out healthy food for a food drive at C.J.'s school. We talked about things we might need someone to give us if WE didn't have any money. It was a new concept to C.J. that there are people in this world that don't have enough, or children that don't have parents. Jasey I'm not sure got it, but hopefully next year she will understand more. I want my children to grow into adults who are able to show compassion, empathy and giving.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


So, Jasey's potty training is going well. On Sunday morning, she came into the bathroom while I was taking a shower took her diaper off and sat on her potty. Low and behold she went pee. Then today she told me twice "mama pee" and went into the bathroom with a dry diaper and preceded to pee in her potty. It's exciting, but I am careful not to push her.

Yesterday, the kids had their dentist appointments. Both are cavity free!!!!! They did so well letting the dr. look in their mouths. Jasey cried a little bit,but got a cool toy in the end and was happy.

So Jasey loves to dress up. She will spend hours in her room emptying her dresser and trying things on and taking them off. I think this is great. I love her imagination as she throws together different combos, and this is great for motor skill development. So the other night Chris and I were in the kitchen when she comes in again, to so us her newest outfit. She was being cute and I admit looking good, But the best part was when she turned to leave.